Catching The Rain

Jan 28

Hello all,

I really enjoyed reading “Promises and Perils of Digital History.” My favorite part of it is the discussion on accessibility. This is one of  the largest  factors that makes the internet both a positive and negative influence. As our professor stated last class, he was glad that some students had laptops so that we could look up a date every now and again. This is an amazing tool that sits at the tip of our fingers. At the same time it can become an easy crutch to rest upon. Why go to a party where social inconveniences arise, when you could sit at home in pajamas? The article brought up some very valid points that are important to keep in mind when studying the internet, no matter what lens you’re using.

The three potential topics that I am interested in researching

1. Weapon technology (How it has developed, possible focuses within that, maybe track a particular kind of weapon?)

2. Technology in the work place (How has this changed teaching/ learning environments? Companies and technological perks, for example Google. Not entirely sure how I could focus this but it’s a start)

3. Digital simulations for training soldiers. (How has this developed, where is it going towards, does this really prepare soldiers?)


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